The Psychology Behind Online Gaming AddictionThe Psychology Behind Online Gaming Addiction
A person may be UFABET168 addicted to online gaming if their preoccupation with playing games starts impacting their social life and overall academic or career performance. In addition, their behavior could lead to a negative impact on their physical health, such as deteriorating their eyesight and increasing their risk of heart disease. In some cases, a person’s addiction to online gaming is so severe that they are unable to stop. This is a serious condition that requires treatment and support.
People with a high level of neuroticism and low levels of conscientiousness can be more susceptible to develop an addiction to online gaming. These personality traits can manifest in ways such as worrying excessively, procrastinating important tasks, and neglecting household chores. People who don’t have many recreational or social activities in their lives can also become vulnerable to online gaming addiction. Without alternatives, they might turn to gaming as a way to prevent boredom and feel a sense of connection and accomplishment.
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Video game addiction can also be triggered by the reward and progression systems in the games. These features encourage gamers to play in order to receive virtual rewards or to climb the global rankings. In addition, peer pressure to conform to the gaming habits of peers can push individuals to spend more time playing video games. This can cause them to neglect other responsibilities and increase their dependence on online gaming as a source of dopamine.