Day: July 9, 2023

Why Shouldn’t You Shake Kombucha?Why Shouldn’t You Shake Kombucha?

why shouldnt you shake kombucha

While kombucha has gained popularity as a fermented beverage with potential health benefits, many are still unclear about how to properly enjoy it. One question that arises often is, “Why shouldn’t you shake kombucha?” In this article, we’ll explore this topic to learn more about how shaking can negatively impact flavor and fizziness and increase the risk of mold.

When you shake why shouldn’t you shake kombucha , you’re essentially releasing the gas that forms during the fermentation process. This can cause the drink to become too carbonated and even explode upon opening, which is definitely not ideal.

Moreover, shaking can also disrupt the yeast-bacteria balance in the bottle. This can result in an overly sour or vinegary kombucha, which is less enjoyable than the original brew. Lastly, it can also lead to a higher likelihood of mold in the bottle.

Carbonation Preservation: Kombucha undergoes a natural fermentation process that produces carbon dioxide (CO2) gas

Instead of shaking, it’s recommended that you stir or swirl the kombucha before opening to help spread out the probiotic sediment that sometimes settles at the bottom of the bottle. Alternatively, you can simply pour the kombucha through a strainer to filter out the sediment altogether.

The bottom line is that while there is some evidence that kombucha may offer health benefits, such as reducing oxidative stress and supporting gut health, the research on this subject isn’t conclusive. Therefore, it’s best to enjoy kombucha as part of a well-rounded diet and only consume it as recommended by your doctor. In addition, as with any fermented food or drink, it’s important to be aware that kombucha can make some people sick and should be avoided if you’re pregnant or breastfeeding.