Gillette Young Guns Blog What Does CBD Do?

What Does CBD Do?

what does cbd do

CBD is popping up in products that range from oils and nasal sprays to gummies and lollipops. Some people who use CBD for arthritis report pain relief, improved sleep or a reduction in anxiety symptoms, but the evidence is anecdotal and more research is needed. If you decide to try CBD, talk with your health care provider first. They can review what has worked in the past and recommend whether a trial run is a good idea. They can also give you tips on how to start, like going low and slow—trying a small dose twice daily and gradually increasing it over several weeks. Also, keep a symptom and dose diary to monitor effects. URL

One of the most popular reasons to take CBD is for its calming effect. A study published in the journal Neuropsychopharmacology tested participants with generalized social anxiety during a simulated public speaking test. Those who took 300 milligrams of CBD before the speech had lower levels of nervousness than those taking a placebo.

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Another area where CBD is being investigated is for its anti-seizure effects. It is being used to treat children with seizures associated with two rare forms of epilepsy. The FDA approved a drug called Epidiolex to treat the seizures in 2018.

Studies on CBD and depression are ongoing, but results so far suggest that it may reduce the severity of some symptoms, such as fatigue and anxiety. It may also increase the effectiveness of certain medications, including antidepressants. Psychologists say more research is needed before CBD can be recommended as a treatment for depression.

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